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Social Media Agreement Form


  • Always adhere to schools E-Safety Guidelines (available on our website).

  • Photographic material and/or video footage that includes pupils must NOT be taken using personal equipment (e.g. mobile phones, iPad, tablets or camcorders)

  • Remember posts, tweets, blogs are an extension of your classroom. What is inappropriate in your classroom should be deemed inappropriate online.

  • Wall posts and descriptions should portray you in a professional manner.

  • Do not post personally identifiable student information of any kind – you MAY use first names and year groups.

  • No tagging of other staff without their permission.

  • Pupils MUST NOT be tagged in any photograph that is uploaded onto any Italia Conti social media platform.

  • Do not post confidential information about students, staff or the school.

  • Use of profanity or threatening language is forbidden.

  • Under no circumstances should negative comments be made about students, parents or other staff.

  • Be respectful of the opinions of others in your posts or comments.

  • Do not post personal information about current or past members of staff.

  • Do not post your personal information on the school social media platforms.

  • Please remember when posting personal opinions that you are representing the school.

  • Passwords and other login information must be confidential at all times and kept in a safe place.

  • Staff should ONLY communicate with students through the school social media accounts and not through personal accounts. (Friending, following, liking students personal accounts is forbidden.)

  • Staff is advised to ensure privacy settings of their personal social media accounts are limited to ‘friends’.

  • Respect brand, trademark, copyright information and/or images of the school.

  • When using a hyperlink, be sure the content is appropriate. Always view where the hyperlink takes you before you share it.

  • Users should not take credit for things they did not create themselves, or misrepresent themselves as an author or creator of something found on line.

  • Research conducted via the internet should be appropriately cited, giving credit to the original author.




Thanks for submitting!

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